Hello there, dear readers! Today, let's delve into the fascinating concept of "priming" and how it can help you set the stage for a joyful and content day. Think of it as the magical key that unlocks the door to your best self, every morning.


Understanding Priming


Priming, in simple terms, is the process of setting up your mind and environment to influence your thoughts, emotions, and actions. Just like a canvas primed before painting, our minds can also be prepared to absorb certain experiences or perspectives. It's like planting seeds of positivity that will grow throughout the day.


Our brains are marvelous machines that are wired to recognize patterns and make connections. Priming plays right into this tendency. It's like whispering gentle affirmations to your subconscious, nudging it to notice the good things in life.


Priming for Happiness


So, how can you use priming to turn your ordinary day into an extraordinary one, filled with happiness and positivity? Let's dive into some practical steps:


1. Start with Gratitude: Begin your morning by counting your blessings. Reflect on what you're thankful for – be it your health, relationships, or the opportunities ahead. This primes your mind to focus on the positive aspects of your life.


2. Set Positive Intentions: As you get ready for the day, set positive intentions. Remind yourself of your goals, and visualize achieving them. This primes your mind to align your actions with your aspirations.


3. Fill Your Space with Positivity: Surround yourself with things that make you smile. Whether it's a vibrant painting, a cherished photograph, or even your favorite mug – these visual cues can prime your mood and energy.


4. Mindful Breath or Meditation: Spend a few minutes practicing mindfulness or meditation. This primes your mind to be present and centered, reducing anxiety and stress. 


5. Choose Your Morning Media Wisely: Rather than starting your day with distressing news, opt for something uplifting. Listen to a cheerful song or read a positive article – this primes your mind to focus on hopeful stories.


6. Affirmations: Repeat positive affirmations that resonate with you. These statements can prime your mind to believe in your capabilities and boost your self-esteem. The app Affirm by yourmind.fitness would be a great resource for this. 


7. Acts of Kindness: Perform a small act of kindness, like sending a thoughtful message to a friend or helping a neighbor. This primes your mind to experience the joy of giving.


8. Healthy Breakfast: Nourish your body with a wholesome breakfast. This primes your body and mind to have the energy you need to tackle the day.




Remember, priming isn't about denying negative emotions or pretending everything is perfect. It's about empowering yourself to navigate challenges with a positive mindset. Just as a gardener prepares the soil for a bountiful harvest, priming prepares your mind for a fulfilling and happy day ahead.


So, as you wake up tomorrow, consider how you can intentionally prime your day for happiness. Embrace this practice with an open heart, and over time, you'll notice the transformative power it can have on your outlook and overall well-being. Here's to priming your way to a brighter, happier life!

Published on Aug 23, 2023 • 5 min read
Tags: affirmations
Category: Mental Health

Chantale Elliott

Guest writer and Registered Therapeutic Counsellor


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