Hello there, my dear readers! Today, we're going to dive into a topic that's close to our hearts and minds – happiness. We all crave it, and rightfully so. After all, who doesn't want to lead a life filled with joy, contentment, and a genuine smile that comes from within? So, let's talk about how we can create a habit of happiness, one that becomes as automatic as brushing our teeth or tying our shoelaces.


You see, humans are creatures of habit. Our brains are wired to seek patterns and repetitions. Ever wondered why you automatically reach for your phone when it pings? Or why that morning cup of coffee feels like an essential part of your day? It's all about habits. When we do things repeatedly, our brains find ways to make those actions almost second nature. This phenomenon applies to our emotions and thoughts too.


Positive self-talk is the golden ticket to building a habit of happiness. Imagine this: you wake up, look in the mirror, and instead of the usual self-critique, you say, "Hey, I'm looking good today!" At first, it might feel a bit strange, perhaps even cheesy. But stick with it. Just like you learned to ride a bike, with practice, positive self-talk becomes more comfortable and more natural.


Our minds are like gardens. If we sow seeds of positivity, they'll grow into beautiful flowers of self-regard. When you repeatedly tell yourself that you're capable, lovable, and worthy of happiness, your mind starts accepting it as a reality. It's not about ignoring flaws or pretending everything is perfect. It's about acknowledging your imperfections while treating yourself with the same kindness you'd offer a dear friend.


Now, let's talk about the how. How do we build this habit of happiness through positive self-talk? It's simpler than you might think.


1. Start Small: Begin with a single positive affirmation. It could be as simple as "I am enough" or "I deserve happiness." Repeat it to yourself, preferably in front of a mirror. Let it sink in.


2. Be Consistent: Just like watering a plant, consistency is key. Set aside a specific time for your positive self-talk. It could be during your morning routine, before bed, or even during your lunch break.


3. Believe in the Process: Initially, your inner critic might scoff at your attempts. That's okay. Keep going. Over time, your positive affirmations will drown out the negativity.


4. Embrace Imperfections: Remember, nobody's perfect. If you catch yourself slipping into old thought patterns, don't beat yourself up. Gently steer your mind back to the positive track.


5. Engage Your Senses: Attach positive emotions to your self-talk. Smile while you say your affirmations. Feel the warmth of self-love spreading through you.


6. Patience, Patience, Patience: Rome wasn't built in a day, and neither is a habit of happiness. This is a journey, and every small step counts.


As you repeat these positive affirmations, something magical happens. Your brain starts to believe them. Just as you automatically tie your shoelaces, you'll automatically start feeling better about yourself. Positive self-regard becomes a reflex, a beautiful habit that colors your world with happiness.


So, my lovely readers, let's embark on this journey together. Let's cultivate the habit of happiness through the power of positive self-talk. Remember, you are worthy, you are enough, and you absolutely deserve every ounce of happiness life has to offer. Your mind is your garden – nurture it, and watch the blooms of joy flourish.

Published on Aug 23, 2023 • 5 min read
Tags: affirmations
Category: Mental Health

Chantale Elliott

Guest writer and Registered Therapeutic Counsellor


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